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Construction Materials Testing
Case Study

Services Offered

A quality control company that specializes in construction testing for soils, asphalt, concrete, and aggregate.

Des Moines, IA

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Construction Materials Testing’s (CMT) biggest challenge was getting their technicians to turn in their daily field reports in a timely manner. The techs filled out duplicate copies of the field report, left a copy for the contractor, and brought a copy back to the office. The project managers and administrative staff processed it and made it into a formal report that was put in a project file. The technicians were so inundated with work that by the end of the week they hadn’t filed any reports for that week. CMT knew they needed to streamline that process.


The field technicians log their data using MetaField’s dropdown menus and with a few select clicks are well on their way to getting their reports completed before the end of the day. The project engineers can quickly review the reports right after they are sent.


By streamlining their internal workflows with MetaField, CMT can provide results to their clients faster to help them keep their projects moving along. Previously, what was a three-day process to create a report, now has been streamlined to less than a day. They have seen 20-30 percent growth so far in the year. Their volume has gone up exponentially, yet they are able to stay on top of the additional work even faster than before.