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MetaField Invoicing


MetaField's Invoice module allows you to:

  • Review billing events logged in MetaField
  • Create and distribute invoices
  • Track your project budgets

Check here for more info on MetaField Invoicing - and how it can transform your billing process.

Navigating to Invoicing Module

Use the left nav to select Bill. This will take you to the Bill page, where you can search or select a recent project - then access its Invoices or Rate Card.

Project Invoices Page

The Invoicing Project Home Page is split up into four unique tiles:

  • Project Budget: Shows the total budget for your project. It also breaks that budget down by the amounts Invoiced, In Progress, and Remaining.
  • Work in Progress: Shows the total number of billing transactions marked as "unbilled." The Total WIP Amount shows you the cumulative sum total of those costs.
  • Draft Invoices: Shows the total number of invoices in the "draft" status. Also displays links for most recently edited invoices so you can access them quickly.
  • Billing Contact Info: Lets you view and edit your billing contact info, which will pre-populate into your invoices. You can also override this info when creating your invoice.

Use the search bar beneath these tiles to filter your Billing Transactions or Project Invoices.

Create/Modify/Delete A Billing Transaction

1. Click on “Add Transaction”. A blank row will appear at the top of the table. Enter in your billing transaction details. Work items, Cost Type, and Units are drop downs with pre-identified options users can select.

2. Once completed, press the save icon. The row will be added.

3. To edit a row, select the pencil icon.

4. To delete a row, select the trash icon. Confirm in modal that you want to delete a billing transaction.

Create an Invoice

1. Press “Create Invoice” to get started.

2. Enter your Billing Contact and Invoice Information. Then select “+ New Work Items Table". A billing transactions table will pop up.

3. Select/check the billing transactions you want included in your Work Item Table. (Please note: You cannot select billing transactions that are already in an invoice - or in the current draft invoice.)

4. You can edit a Work Item Table row similarly to the billing transaction table. Use the pencil, save, and trash icon to made edits.

5. Once you've finished choosing and editing transactions, press “Add Selected to New Invoice”.

6. You can now click “Table Setting” to edit the table name and select which columns should be displayed on the work item table. These settings are for that specific work item table. Be sure to save your changes!

7. Add and edit as many work item tables as needed. Once finished, press Save Changes for the invoice. Now that the invoice is saved, you can press Preview & Send Invoice.

Note: Invoice numbers are generated after you save the invoice for the first time. The first two numbers indicate the client ID within MetaField.

8. Previewing the invoice lets you visualize what the final invoice would look like. It uses the systems Header and Footer. You can select “Keep Editing” to continue making changes to the invoice or “Send” to email or download the invoice.

9. When you opt to send the invoice, enter the email addresses of the recipients, the subject line, and message of the email. You can download the Invoice PDF here if you prefer to manually send it out. You can then “Send” the invoice!

‹ Overview - DashboardGlobal & Project Billing Rates ›