Enterprise support for local, regional and national operations

Batch assigning techs and submitting work activities

Multiple views for preferred workflows

Calendar drag and drop features

Draft work order creation for requested activity and placeholder events

Unassigned, canceled, and declined work order awareness

Flexible date and time dispatching for single events, reoccurring series, or specific time slot assignments

Advanced filtering for quick resourcing of personnel, projects, clients, and offices

Automatic alerting for work order changes

Real time status monitoring

Alerting for key status changes (e.g., submitted, canceled work)

Instant email and Text Messaging Alerts

Account for certifications, past work experience, home office and availability

Workload visibility views

Conflict prompting (double booking, lacking certs, etc.) 

Add one or more field personnel for a single assignment

Automatic pending field actions (pick-ups, retests, discrepancy resolution)

Prefill new assignments based on past job activity

Shared communication among Field reps, Schedulers, and PMs

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MetaField Dashboard & Quality Control

Enhanced tools for project oversight, data review, and report preparation

Efficient review and revisioning

Batch editing and review of data

Feedback alerts to communicate to field staff and other co-workers

Draft reporting supports two-level review

Report associating to tie project deliverables together

Work order insight for progress tracking of dispatched work activity

Easy report finalization and delivery

Single or batch report creation

Customized legal text for final reporting, signature notes

Digitally sign reports as review is completed

Immediate report delivery or postpone delivery until later

Intuitive awareness of data in need of reporting

Reporting history tracking for revisions and set / test report tracking

Set your firms default filters and results display (Custom tables and filters)

Configure distinct discrepancy / conformance reporting options

Workflows for multi-stage review

Require signatures for specific reports

Custom labeling and grouping of reports (7 Day, 28 Day Breaks, Soils, etc)

End User Customizations

Insight towards items in need of review or (optional) secondary review

Attention on discrepancies, low breaks, failures, other items of importance

Immediate visibility to progress of work in field and lab and new submissions

Sample chain-of-custody awareness (where and who has custody of samples)

Transparency of critical & outstanding items

View Dashboard's roadmap

Why are we updating the signature process? Agile Frameworks has used a DocuSign DSA appliance to support our digital signatures offering since 2011. DocuSign is discontinuing support for these types of appliances and as such we are transitioning MetaField to DocuSign’s cloud digital signature service as well as extending a new signature option. 

Once this transition is available in late January 2024, you will see updated signature processes, including the ability to self-manage your signature graphics. 

Replacing AgileStamp, MetaField Mark is our integrated digital signature solution, enabling secure document approvals in real-time. 

Addressing the majority of daily reporting needs with a primary focus on enhancing efficiency and swiftly adding a professional touch. 


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Tailored for reports that need a digital stamp of authentication.


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MetaField Mark 

Frequently Asked Questions

No, if you have purchased AgileStamp, your signatures will move over to MetaField Mark.

Yes, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager and they will walk you through the process.

Users can be managed by your MetaField Adminitrators from the Securing/User screen.

No, all current signing flows and options from AgileStamp have been moved to MetaField Mark. All the same configurations and controls will be included the new offering as well as a simple sign option.

Yes, most processes will remain the same, but some updates were made for our Certified offering. Check out the details here .

With MetaField Mark, users can select from two integrated offerings:

MetaField Mark 

Transition Assistance

To support our users in the upcoming transition, we have additional help assets available below: 

Users will learn how to set up and manage accounts as well as sign reports during the webinar. 



Setting the Type of Signature Applied to Your Reports

Each report in MetaField is set up for a Digital Signature configuration default. If you want to update the way a report is signed, open the report configuration settings from the Administrative panel and select a different Digital Signature configuration. This would be the best option if you have some reports you want to sign using Certified signatures and other reports that you want to sign using Simple signatures.

If you want to move all, or most, of your reports to Simple or Certified signatures, you can go directly to the Digital Signature configurations area of Administration and update to Certified or Simple. Once the Digital Signature configuration is updated, any report using this configuration will be signed in the new manner. 

MetaField also support project level overrides for cases where you have a customer or project that requires a different type of signature. Project level overrides are controlled within the Project Specifications area under the Reports/Labels option.