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Release Note

2025.03 Release Notes

Release Highlights

  • Our Forms Store is live! You can now import form templates directly to your Forms Library. 
  • Single Sign-On is available for customers using Microsoft Entra ID (previously Azure AD).
  • "Display as Table" setting updated for nested tables.
  • Gauge Standard Count will be included on the Discrete Soil Nuclear Gauge Report.
  • New and updated templates are available.

Introducing: MetaField Forms Store

Instantly access templates from the Forms Store


We are thrilled to announce the launch of MetaField’s Form Store this week! This new feature provides users with access to a vast collection of hundreds of templates.

Users with access to the Forms Library can now instantly browse, select, and import templates with a single click—eliminating the need to navigate the Forms Catalog or reach out to a Customer Success Manager.

Ensure your forms adhere to the latest standard requirements by always using the most up-to-date forms with in-app indicators that alert you when an updated template is available in the Forms Store. Easily search by tags to find "New" and "Updated" templates.

The Forms Store enables your firm to streamline template adoption, save valuable time, and improving workflow efficiency.


Microsoft Entra ID Single Sign-On is now available


Customers can now configure their implementation of MetaField to require user login via Microsoft credentials. Our integration with Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) provides an enhanced security option for managing user access, ensuring that only authorized individuals can use MetaField.

Upon login, users will be prompted to enter their Microsoft credentials for verification through their identity provider. To learn more, contact your Customer Success Manager!

Configurable Forms

"Display As Table" setting enhanced


We've updated our configurable forms to support Data Grid fields set to "Display as Table" when they contain a Data Grid sub-field.

Previously, data entry for the sub-field wasn't possible, but now users can click a new 'plus' symbol to open the sub-field in a pop-up window for easy input.


Discrete Reports

Discrete Soil Nuclear Gauge reports will include standard count


To align with ASTM D6938, our discrete Soil Nuclear Gauge report now includes the standard count(s) defined for the gauge used in the reported test(s).

Below is an example of the updated report design, which now includes the standard count for the gauge used on each test day.

Customers using the Discrete Soil Nuclear Gauge form will receive this enhancement automatically.

Forms Catalog

New templates have been added to our growing Forms Catalog

Browse the Forms Store for these new templates and immediately import into your Forms Library.

  • MnDOT 1207 Lightweight Pieces - Determination for percentage of shale and other lightweight pieces in aggregates by means of sink-float separation
  • MnDOT 1204 Specific Gravity (Coarse) - Determining bulk, apparent specific gravity and absorption of coarse aggregate
  • MnDOT 1205 Specific Gravity (Fine) - Determining bulk, apparent specific gravity and absorption of fine aggregate
  • MnDOT 1208 Flat and Elongated - Determine by mass the percent of coarse aggregate exceeding maximum length to thickness ratio
  • MnDOT 1211 Unit Weight - Determining average weight of one cubic meter of concrete aggregate and voids in bituminous coarse aggregate
  • MnDOT 1212 Organic Impurities - Determination for approximate amount of injurious organic compounds in new sources of sand
  • MnDOT 1215 Sand Equivalent - Rapid test showing proportions of claylike materials contained in portions of graded aggregates
  • MnDOT 1219 Soundness - Determining aggregate resistance to disintegration by saturated solutions of sulfates
  • MnDOT 1221 Acid Insoluble Residue - Determining percent of acid insoluble residue in limestone and dolostone sedimentary rock
  • MnDOT 1223 Flakiness - Determining percentage of flat particles in seal coat aggregate
  • Tex 241-F Superpave Specimen Compaction - Compacting cylindrical specimens of hot-mix asphalt using Superpave gyratory compactor

Explore the latest updated templates in the Forms Catalog

Find these updated templates in the Forms Store and replace your current version to maintain compliance.

  • AASHTO T310 In-Place Density - populates recent Density / Moisture Counts from nuclear gauge and adds them to Report Design
  • ASTM D6938 In-Place Density / Water Content (Shallow Depth) - populates recent Density / Moisture Counts from nuclear gauge and adds them to Report Design
  • CalTrans CT231 Relative Compaction (Metric) - populates recent Density / Moisture Counts from nuclear gauge and adds them to Report Design
  • CalTrans CT231 Relative Compaction (Imperial) - populates recent Density / Moisture Counts from nuclear gauge and adds them to Report Design
  • CalTrans CT375 In-Place Density and Relative Compaction - populates recent Density / Moisture Counts from nuclear gauge and adds them to Report Design
  • Grout - re-activated Specimen Size Field in Specimen Form
  • Tex 115-E Part I Nuclear Gauge - populates recent Density / Moisture Counts from nuclear gauge and adds them to Report Design
  • UDOT / AASHTO T310 In-Place Density - populates recent Density / Moisture Counts from nuclear gauge and adds them to Report Design
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