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Release Note

2025.04 Release Notes

Release Highlights

  • Enhanced search capabilities and data view preferences are now available in the Forms Library.
  • Soil Proctor data may be copied from within a lab test.
  • "Decimal Precision" in the Max Dry Density and Optimum Moisture fields now retain one decimal place.
  • The Test Age Average will now be recalculated when updates are received from ForneyVault.
  • "Rate Table" references for the Work Breakdown Structure have been added to the Vantagepoint integration.
  • Projects returned from QuickBooks can now be filtered for greater control.
  • Browse the newest additions and latest template updates available in our Forms Catalog.

Forms Library

Advanced search options and Show/Hide data now available


Forms Library users can now find forms more easily with enhanced search functionality, including filters for standard body, subcategory, and material.

This update, combined with the ability to show or hide columns in the data table, helps users quickly find essential form designs for critical project work.

Use the 'Table Settings' in the top right to tailor your view and display the most relevant data.


Soil Proctor data may be copied from within a test


Easily create a Proctor record without leaving your test form, streamlining workflows and eliminating unnecessary navigation.

With a new one-click button at the top of the Proctor test form, users can efficiently copy Proctor data and complete lab tests without interruption.


Proctors will retain one decimal precision


Technicians in the field can now easily see the precise level of calculations, as the Max Dry Density and Optimum Moisture fields in proctor records will always retain one decimal place, even if it is .0.



Test Age Average will be recalculated when results are added.


In Review for Concrete / Grout / Mortar tests, the "Test Age Average" will be recalculated when results are added via the ForneyVault integration.


Rate Table references can now be stored with Work Breakdown Structure records.


Vantagepoint integration users can now define a "Rate Table" in Work Breakdown Structure records, ensuring seamless and clear communication between MetaField and Vantagepoint.


Projects synced between QuickBooks and MetaField can now be filtered.


Now, users with the QuickBooks integration can ensure only relevant projects are managed in MetaField with a new configurable filter, allowing them to send only projects that match a specified ending in the Sub-Customer or Project Name fields.

Forms Store

New templates have been added to the Forms Store - with more coming soon!

For those who have access to the Forms Store, follow these three easy steps to access the Forms Store and import these templates into your Forms Library today!

Navigate to Admin > Select Forms & Reports Library > Click on the Forms Store button in the top right hand corner.

For those who don't have access to the Forms Store, you can browse our complete collection of templates in our Forms Catalog.

  • AASHTO T136 Freezing and Thawing - Determining soil-cement losses, moisture changes and volume changes in hardened specimens using freezing and thawing
  • ASTM D560 Freezing and Thawing - Determining soil-cement losses, water content changes and volume changes in hardened specimens using freezing and thawing procedure
  • MnDOT 1820 Density - Compaction of cylindrical specimens of hot mix asphalt using the gyratory compactor
  • ASTM D422 (EQ), D2974 and G51 - Consolidated Form / Report including results from ASTM D422 (EQ), D2974 and G51 test methods

Explore the latest updated templates in the Forms Store - with more coming soon!

Find these updated templates in the Forms Store and replace your current version to maintain compliance.

  • AASHTO T191 Density by Sand-Cone - added no retest option for Project Managers, despite failing test results
  • AASHTO T287 Asphalt Binder Content - added no retest option for Project Managers, despite failing test results
  • AASHTO T310 In-Place Density - added no retest option for Project Managers, despite failing test results
  • ASTM D422-63 Hydrometer / Particle-Size Analysis - using new SMOOTHTRENDLINEVALUE Expression for giving coefficients and grain size calculations
  • ASTM D1556 Sand Cone Method - added no retest option for Project Managers, despite failing test results
  • ASTM D2167 Density by Rubber Balloon - added no retest option for Project Managers, despite failing test results
  • ASTM D2950 Density of Asphalt by Nuclear - added no retest option for Project Managers, despite failing test results
  • ASTM D6938 In-Place Density / Water Content (Shallow Depth) - added no retest option for Project Managers, despite failing test results
  • CalTrans CT216 In-Place Density by Sand Cone - added no retest option for Project Managers, despite failing test results
  • CalTrans CT231 Relative Compaction (Metric) - added no retest option for Project Managers, despite failing test results
  • CalTrans CT231 Relative Compaction (Imperial) - added no retest option for Project Managers, despite failing test results
  • CalTrans CT375 In-Place Density and Relative Compaction - added no retest option for Project Managers, despite failing test results
  • Tex 115-E Part I Nuclear Gauge - added no retest option for Project Managers, despite failing test results
  • Tex 115-E Part II Sand-Cone - added no retest option for Project Managers, despite failing test results
  • UDOT / AASHTO T310 In-Place Density - added no retest option for Project Managers, despite failing test results
  • UDOT / AASHTO T355 In-Place Density - added no retest option for Project Managers, despite failing test results

Upcoming Conferences

Connect with us at AASHTO


MetaField is excited to attend the AASHTO re:source Technical Exchange in Bellevue, WA, from March 17-20!

Be sure to stop by our booth to connect with our team, see what’s new, and get a sneak peek at what’s coming next for MetaField.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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